10 January 2010

15. Function calls

First of all, some adjustments are needed to the symbol table. If you got symboltable.pb before this was posted, go here to get the working version: http://pbtut.blogspot.com/2010/01/listing-symboltablepb.html

Read through the new symboltable.pb and experiment a bit with it until you understand it.

A function call with no parameters is rather simple, it's just a call instruction, like this:
call FunctionAddressOrLabelRepresentingThatAddress

Make a copy of symsimple.pb and name if fcall.pb. We'll work on fcall.pb now.

A function call, like a variable, represents a value. Thus it makes sense to allow a function call as a new kind of value:
value  ::= <integer> | <variable> | <fcall()> | '(' <expression> ')'

We implement this with a rather simple change of Value():
Procedure Value()
; value ::= <integer> | <variable> | <fcall()> | '(' <expression> ')'
Protected Name.s
If IsDigit(Look)
Emit("mov eax, " + GetInteger())
ElseIf IsAlpha(Look)
Name = GetName()
If Look = '('
Emit("mov eax, " + VarValue(Name))

If a ( follows a name, then the name represents a function call, else the name represents a variable, as before.

On the x86 platform it is customary that function that returns an integer result returns it in the register eax. Which is very convenient for us, because it's the same place we load values from variables!

We emit the function call from a special procedure which checks if the function name is properly declared:
Procedure FunctionCall(Name.s)
*V.SFunction = LookupSymbolNoScopeResolve(Name)
If *V And *V\Kind = #SKind_Function
Emit("call " + *v\Ref)
Error("Undeclared function: " + Name)

Pay close attention to LookupSymbolNoScopeResolve(). We use this instead of a normal LookupSymbol() to prevent local variables from shadowing global functions. LookupSymbolNoScopeResolve() looks for global symbols only (unless we use a ":" in the name string), thus it will always find a function if it is declared.
Notice also that we have to check if *V is true (not null) before accessing the member *V\Kind. If the lookup fails we must not access *V\Kind because it will result in a memory access error and a crash. If *V is false then *V\Kind will not be accessed due to short-circuit boolean evaluation, see Wikipedia for more information.

That's it! We can now do simple function calls like "callme()" provided we assign the result to some variable:
var a as long
a = callme()

There is a big problem, though: there is no way to declare functions. Just cheat by adding some directly from the source code. Put this near the end of your program, just before the call to InitMulti():
; Add a few functions to the symbol table so we can call them
*F.SFunction = AddFunction("MyFunc")
*F\Type = #TyLong

*F.SFunction = AddFunction("DoCoolStuff")
*F\Type = #TyLong

Input example:
var a as long
var b as long
a = MyFunc()
b = DoCoolStuff()

call _MyFunc
mov [v_a], eax
call _DoCoolStuff
mov [v_b], eax
push 0
call _ExitProcess
; Global variables:
v_a dd 0
v_b dd 0

By default we prepend an underscore to the names of function to create the function label in asm. This is to avoid name clashing with internal compiler labels, and is standard practice on Windows. On Linux it's not, which of course opens for huge problems.

Ok, so our program works if we assign the result to a variable. What if we want to call the function and ignore the return value, like this:

To allow this we need a new kind of statement: A single function call. The rules are the same as for the value: If the name is followed by a ( it's a function call.

New Statement():
Procedure Statement()
Protected N.s
N = GetName()
If Look = '('
Select N
Case "var": VariableDeclaration()
Default: Assignment(N)

Test that your compiler works as you expect:
var a as long
var b as long
a = MyFunc()
b = a

call _MyFunc
mov [v_a], eax
call _DoCoolStuff
mov eax, [v_a]
mov [v_b], eax
push 0
call _ExitProcess
; Global variables:
v_a dd 0
v_b dd 0

Notice that the result of DoCoolStuff() is left in eax only to be overwritten by the next statement (mov eax, [v_a]). This is what we want when we're not storing the result.

Here is the source of fcall.pb: here.

What if you want to do parameters? Now it suddenly gets hard. Because the parameters have to pushed onto the stack in reverse order.

So CallMe(9, 11) should be translated into this:
push 11
push 9
call CallMe
It's obvious why this is a problem: Phones have no button for 11! And also, we have to compile 11 before 9 (and remember, 9 and 11 could instead be complex expressions, including other function calls with other parameters), however, we don't get to the 11 before have to compiled the 9! We compile from left to right but the parameters are pushed from right to left!

Now there's no hardware rule that specifies it has to be this way, it's just done this way because the unix/c people rule the world, and these are the people who call the plumber when their printer is on fire, because, you know, ;everything is a pipe, right? Traditionally, Pascal compilers pushed the parameters from left to right as one would expect and everyone was happy.
(Note: The real reason C compilers started to push the parameters in reverse order is because they thought this was the only way to do vararg functions (functions with an unknown number of parameters). Vararg functions are evil, and they can actually be done in a safer and easier way by pushing from left-to-right anyways.)

So what do we do? Since we are not a big company that can afford to spend tons of man-hours on our compiler, we'll take the easy way out and cheat a little. There are two ways of faking right-to-left pushing of parameters.

Way 1: Buffer output. Let's say you have this code: "F16(a, b+1)". First we compile the code to push a (), but instead of outputting it, we write it to a temporary buffer. Then we compile the code to push b+1 (mov eax, dword [v_b], inc eax, push eax). Since this is the last parameter we write it to output and then writes the temporary buffer to output. The result is that statements appear in the correct order in the output!
mov eax, dword [v_b]
inc eax
push eax
push dword [v_a]
This seems like a miracle and even allows you to make function calls as parameters to other function calls. Until you implement local variables, which are accessed by the stack pointer. Since the stack pointer is changed by each push, you'll have to use some extra logic to artificially compensate for this in the code that is generated early (before stack pointer has changed) but outputted late (after stack pointer has been changed by pushing). This works, but it becomes a real mess.

If you feel intimidated by this mess, rest assured that we won't see it! There is a simpler way.

Way 2: Instead of evaluating b+1 (or 11) before a (or 9), we'll set aside all the required stack space before evaluating any parameters. Then we will evaluate the parameters from left to right and move the result into the correct position on the stack, and call the function:
sub esp, 8
mov [esp+4], 9
mov [esp], 11
call CallMeAgainPlease

"sub esp, 8" is is equal to two pushes of 4 bytes each, except we don't specify the values to be pushed, so the values will be undefined.
We move in the correct values next.

This gives a slightly less effective code. Get used to it. Everything that is simple and correct is less effective.

We must modify the FunctionCall() to check if the called function has any formal parameters (parameters declared when defining the function). If the function has formal parameters (*F\ParamCount > 0) we call FunctionParameters(*F) to handle the actual parameters (parameters speficied when calling).
Procedure FunctionCall(Name.s)
Protected *F.SFunction = LookupSymbolNoScopeResolve(Name)
If *F And *F\Kind = #SKind_Function
If *F\ParamCount > 0
Emit("call " + *F\Ref)
Error("Undeclared function: " + Name)
Notice how FunctionCall() works just as before if the called function has no formal parameters.

How is the parameter list of a function call structured? Answer: Each parameter is an expression. Each parameter but the last one is followed by a comma (,). The last parameter is followed by a ')'.

In our implementation of FunctionParameters() we already know the number of parameters. So we will loop this many times to get the parameters and eat the commas in between.

What then happens if too few parameters are specified? Like in "ThreeParameters(1, 2)"? In this case we will try to eat a comma but we'll find a ')' instead. So we'll get an error message.

What happens if too many parameters are specified? FunctionParameters() will then return happily, FunctionCall() will emit it's "call" asm code and then return happily, then the code that called FunctionCall() will try to match(')') and when this fails, we will get a generic error message (')' expected, ',' found).

Here's the magic:
Declare Expression()
Procedure FunctionParameters(*F.SFunction)
Protected ParamStackSize = *F\ParamCount*4 ; Note, it's 4 because we use longs. Doubles and quads would be 8!
Protected I
Emit2("sub ", "esp", Str(ParamStackSize)) ; Make room on the stack for the parameters
For I = 0 To *F\ParamCount-1
Emit("mov [esp+" + Str(I*4) + "], eax")
If I <> *F\ParamCount-1 ; If the current parameter is NOT the last one
MatchWhite(',') ; Get a comma and whitespace to prepare for the next parameter
Amazing! In just 16 lines (including the modification to FunctionCall()) we implemented function parameters! When you test this code, use the debugger to single-step through this procedure so you really see what's going on in there.

Before testing change our predefined functions to take parameters.
; Add a few functions to the symbol table so we can call them
*F.SFunction = AddFunction("MyFunc")
*F\Type = #TyLong
*F\ParamCount = 1
*F\ParamTypes[0] = #TyLong

*F.SFunction = AddFunction("DoCoolStuff")
*F\Type = #TyLong
*f\ParamCount = 3
*f\ParamTypes[0] = #TyLong
*f\ParamTypes[1] = #TyLong
*f\ParamTypes[2] = #TyLong

First test:

sub esp, 4
mov eax, 99
mov [esp+0], eax
call _MyFunc
Nice. The code seems correct! We use three statements to load the parameter instead of a simple push, but at least it works. I'm testing it with PB:

; demo.pb
; Some cheating is required to make this compatible:
; 1. Label name = _Procedure0 (first procedure of source)
; 2. Insert call to procedure at the end of the source, else PB won't include it
; 3. Enable inline ASM in the compiler options
Procedure MyFunc(a)
Debug a

; MyFunc(99)
SUB esp, 4
MOV eax, 99
MOV [esp+0], eax
CALL _Procedure0

MyFunc(0) ; Make sure procedure is used

Let's try something more complicated.
var a as long
a = DoCoolStuff(DoCoolStuff(1, 2, 3), MyFunc(MyFunc(99)), 123)

sub esp, 12
sub esp, 12
mov eax, 1
mov [esp+0], eax
mov eax, 2
mov [esp+4], eax
mov eax, 3
mov [esp+8], eax
call _DoCoolStuff
mov [esp+0], eax
sub esp, 4
sub esp, 4
mov eax, 99
mov [esp+0], eax
call _MyFunc
mov [esp+0], eax
call _MyFunc
mov [esp+4], eax
mov eax, 123
mov [esp+8], eax
call _DoCoolStuff
mov [v_a], eax

It's hard to see at a glance whether this code is correct. Let's test it in PB:
; demo2.pb
; enable inline asm
; MyFunc = _Procedure0
; DoCoolStuff = _Procedure2
Procedure MyFunc(a)
ProcedureReturn a
Procedure DoCoolStuff(a, b, c)
ProcedureReturn (a+b)*c ; nonsense calculation

a = DoCoolStuff(DoCoolStuff(1, 2, 3), MyFunc(MyFunc(99)), 123)
Debug "PB: " + Str(a) ; let's see what PB makes of it
; --------------------------
SUB esp, 12
SUB esp, 12
MOV eax, 1
MOV [esp+0], eax
MOV eax, 2
MOV [esp+4], eax
MOV eax, 3
MOV [esp+8], eax
CALL _Procedure2
MOV [esp+0], eax
SUB esp, 4
SUB esp, 4
MOV eax, 99
MOV [esp+0], eax
CALL _Procedure0
MOV [esp+0], eax
CALL _Procedure0
MOV [esp+4], eax
MOV eax, 123
MOV [esp+8], eax
CALL _Procedure2
MOV [v_a], eax ; moving result directly into PB variable a
Debug "Us: " + Str(a) ; is our result the same as PB?

MyFunc(0) ; Make sure procedure is used
DoCoolStuff(0, 0, 0) ; Make sure procedure is used
Wow, the result is correct. If you look at the generated asm file (pbcompiler /commented) you can see that PB outputs only 13 lines while we use 22 lines. So our code isn't as efficient. But: I bet it was faster to write, and easier to understand!

Some issues with function calling that I haven't covered:
- You push the parameters onto the stack, but don't take them off. They are taken off the stack inside the function. So when a call returns the stack pointer is where it was before you pushed the parameters. There is an exception: some functions uses the so called "cdecl" calling convention. In this case you have to adjust the stack pointer yourself after the call. This is rare on Windows.

- Functions are free to modify the three registers eax, ecx and edx. These registers are called "volatile", and you must expect them to contain nonsense values after a call instruction. The exception is eax, which contains the return value of the function, if any. If the function does not have a return value (not even 0) then expect eax to be a random number as well.
So if you have some valuable value in one of these registers you must push it BEFORE pushing the function parameters and pop it after the call instruction. This really becomes an issue when dealing with expressions.

- The stack is always aligned by 4. So even if the parameters are bytes or words, they will use 4 bytes each, of which 3 or 2 are wasted.

- Larger types (like double and quad) use 8 bytes each. You must use two mov instructions to cover them!

- When you implement types in your compiler, you will have to ensure that actual parameters are converted to the correct type (the type of the formal parameters) as they are pushed on the stack, else havoc will ensue.

- When returning floating point values from functions, they are not returned in eax, but in ST0, which is a floating point register. This applies to doubles, floats and extended (10-byte float).

- If a floating point result (in ST0) is to be discarded, it MUST BE POPPED OF THE FPU STACK else you'll get problems and it will be near impossible to find the source. Use this asm code to do it: "FSTP st0".

- When returning quads, the first four bytes goes in eax, the next four bytes goes in edx. (Or was it the reverse?)

- I recommend that you read this: http://www.agner.org/optimize/calling_conventions.pdf. You don't have to understand all of it. The interesting parts are 32-bit stdcall (which we use) and 32-bit cdecl (which is very similar and rather common, especially on Linux).

Full listing: fcallparm.pb listing.

1. Single step through the code until you know for sure what's going on.
2. Write a complex (nested) function call and compile it by hand, pretending to be your compiler. Then type the complex function call into the compiler, and see if it generates the same code as you did. If the codes are not identical, examine why, and try again until you get it correct on first try every time.
3. Add the following error message: "Not enough parameters to function " + FunctionName + . Show it if a function is called with too few parameters.
4. Add the following error message: "Too many parameters to function" + FunctionName. Show it if a function is called with too many parameters.
5. Extend the error message from ex. 3 to tell the user how many parameters are actually expected.

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